Payne-Phalen Quick Facts
County: Ramsey
Population: 7607
Size: 4.25 sq.mi.
Median Home Price: $233250
Average Rent Price: $1337
Commute to Mpls: 20 min.
Commute to Stp: 5 min.
Electricity: XCel Energy
Natural Gas: XCel Energy
Garbage / Recycle: city
House Styles Website
Payne-Phalen Overview
Payne-Phalen is the largest of 17 designated neighborhoods of St. Paul and is very close to Downtown. It is a historic neighborhood, rich with diversity and a communal atmosphere. They have plenty to offer cuisine-wise, ranging from Mexican to Thai, and everything in between. They are known for the beauty of Lake Phalen and the serene outdoorsy nature of Swede Hollow, which has been made famous in song. There is plenty to attract a nature lover in Payne-Phalen, including parks and trails. The people range from working class to middle class, and they are dedicated to the community. They are eager to welcome anyone and everyone to their neighborhood and to show them what makes Payne-Phalen special.
Payne-Phalen Boundaries
Payne-Phalen Then And Now
Historically, Payne-Phalen has been the home to new immigrants. When the Irish, Germans, Swedes, and Italians came to Minnesota, many of them made the East Side their home. In fact, Swede Hollow was a valley so named because of the Swedish immigrants who settled there. During the industrial age, this neighborhood became a locus for several important industrial companies such as Hamm's brewery, Whirlpool, 3M, and Seeger Refrigerator Company. The local economy was bolstered by the presence of such companies as they employed thousands of residents. However, they all closed their doors in Payne-Phalen in the 1970s,  symbolizing the ups and downs that this neighborhood has experienced since it was established. Today, due to much renovation and overhaul, the Payne-Phalen has now added gastropubs, arts, and organic farming to the mix, and they have become a much stronger community as a result. They are still welcoming to immigrants, however, and they never forget their roots as they continue to show off their East Side pride. (rev. 1/30/21)
Payne-Phalen Environmental / Green
In December of 2019, St Paul adopted a Climate Action & Resilience Plan, in conjunction with the Great Plains Institute. In this document, St Paul is setting a goal of achieving carbon neutrality by 2050. St Paul is pushing to have increase sustainability in a couple different ways. 1. They are looking to reduce carbon by making buildings more efficient. This would include changing the building codes to increase efficiency. 2. They are looking to have the transportation sector change to electric vehicles. They also want people to drive less.
Payne-Phalen Resident's Top Ten Pics
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Market Trends in Payne-Phalen, MN
Single Family

updated: 2023

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Condo / Townhouse

updated: 2023

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Avg Sqft:

Payne-Phalen Parks
Payne-Phalen Restaurants
Payne-Phalen Shopping
Payne-Phalen Nightlife
Payne-Phalen Community Arts & Recreation
Payne-Phalen Events
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