House Advertising Words
You know how some real estate agents have a knack for describing homes in glorious and grand ways? Well, sometimes the words are a slight exaggeration of the actual home. In our industry, we call that puffery. Here’s a list of some common terms used in advertising and what they really mean. If you come across some that are not on the list, please drop us a note. We’ll add it.
- Adorable – The shutters are worth more than the furnace
Charming – compared to the one right next door
Cozy – means that it’s really small
Fantastic upper level master suite with walkthrough closet- someone stuffed a sink into the far side of the closet which you can reach when you open the closet door. And remember, just because the upper level is “fantastic,” the lower level may be somewhat less than fantastic.
New paint – it’s amazing how far $5 per gallon paint goes
New carpet – covering up the scratched hardwood floors
Must see! – Driving by, one can’t help but see orange and purple!
Close to Park – SO close that you’ll never find a parking spot
Pedestal Sink – one of the legs fell off, leaving just one leg left.
Peaceful backyard– because 36,000 cars drive by the front yard each day.
Professionally remodeled – the owner and their siblings didn’t do the work, the neighbor’s sister’s husband’s son did.
Movable center island – the kids ran into it so many times it came loose.
Quaint - it's pink!
Steps to the lake – 2510 to be exact!
Steps to the creek – be ready to sandbag the front yard each spring.
On golf course – high insurance for broken windows
Across the street from golf course – high insurance for broken windows
Across the freeway from the golf course – fun watching cars dodge golf balls which then bounce off the cars and break your windows. May look like hail damage though. Call the insurance adjuster.