If you ever were thinking about a website host, consider Hostgator.com. I made the mistake of trying Sitecloud and put up with unreliable service for 6 weeks. (see my review of them here: http://www.southminneapolisrealestateblog.com/misc/reviews/sitecloud-hosting-review/ ) It was unbearable. Uptime was about 87% when they promised 99.9%.

Well, at hostgator.com, they also promise 99.9% uptime. But they guarantee it. So far, it's been 4 weeks and it works. I've only come across one instance where it was not working for a few minutes. That's not bad. In fact that's good. It's really good. The uptime tool that I use reports an uptime of 99.899%. Close enough for me.

Note that I would appreciate if you used my referral to sign up:

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