Windom Quick Facts
County: Hennepin
Population: 4980
Size: 0.75 sq.mi.
Median Home Price: $383863
Average Rent Price: $1599
Commute to Mpls: 12 min.
Commute to Stp: 18 min.
Electricity: XCel Energy
Natural Gas: Centerpoint Energy
Garbage / Recycle: Minneapolis
House Styles Website
Windom Overview
Windom neighborhood and elementary school are named after William Windom. William Windom served in the United States House of Representatives, the United States Senate for Minnesota (1850s), and twice took on the role of United States Secretary of the Treasury. Part of the Southwest area, the neighborhood itself is tucked in between Kenny and Crosstown Highway, featuring many businesses, recreation, and areas to shop. Windom Community Council has a goal to make their neighborhood attractive and supportive whilst recognizing their cultural diversity and keeping the area safe and clean. Supporting this goal are locally owned businesses, neighborhood events, and even a community garden where you can participate in growing vegetables and flowers. The industrial patch of Windom makes up roughly 15% of the land, and most of the houses are sturdy homes with two or three bedrooms, constructed mainly before the 1940s. Located closely to the city and other surrounding suburbs, Windom is a good area to stay in touch with other neighborhoods.
Windom Boundaries
Windom Then And Now
In the early 1900s, Minneapolis had begun to expand their streetcar lines. Due to the noise and danger of the growing method of transportation, citizens were encouraged to leave the city and make a new place to live.
Windom Environmental / Green
In 2013, Minneapolis adopted their Climate Action Plan, which put into place a comprehensive set of emission reduction strategies. These strategies cover 3 areas: Buildings and energy, Transportation and land use, Waste and recycling. For buildings and energy, the goal is to reduce energy usage by 17%, and generate 10% of electricity from local, renewable sources. On the residential building side of things, Minneapolis is proposing a "home energy audit" as part of the Truth In Housing program (TIH or TISH, Truth In Sale of Housing). This would require sellers to have an energy score when listing their house for sale. They are proposing that the TISH inspectors be trained to perform this component of the inspection process. The end result of this energy score would be a single number, for example 37 on a scale of 1 to 100. 100 would mean that the house would have virtually no energy costs. Another part of this program is to make incentives for sellers to improve their homes energy-wise so that they can get a higher sale price due to energy efficiencies. If they don't, the buyers will at least have some knowledge about the energy efficiency of the house, making it an incentive to them to improve the house energy-wise. Also on the residential side of things, Minneapolis is proposing a "time of rent" energy disclosure for renters. Renters currently have no way of knowing how much their utility bills will be before renting a unit. The disclosure would be mandated so that renters could compare units on energy efficiency. This would give incentives to the landlord (owners) to improve their buildings to make them more attractive to the rental market. On the commercial side of things, some of them already have to do an energy score of sorts and disclose to purchasers. Minneapolis would like to extend that to all commercial buildings. They also have an Energy Reduction Challenge called the "Kilowatt Crackdown" to encourage commercial buildings to reduce usage. For renewable energy, Minneapolis is trying to create policies that promote renewable energy, develop a "solar-ready" certification, and encourage "net-zero" buildings. Making a building "solar-ready" adds virtually no cost at the time of construction, and would potentially have some value to purchasers. This would involve adding some structural supports and electrical conduit so that solar could be installed without adding structural support to the roof trusses, and/or digging in walls to add conduit. Both of these items can be added at a very low cost when in the construction phase. What is a net-zero building? Basically net-zero means the building (or house) would generate all the energy it needs to power the building itself. This generally means that the building is super insulated so that it requires less energy to heat and cool the building, as well as solar panels to generate the energy it needs. Oftentimes this type of building uses geo-thermal heat pumps to heat and cool the building, running off solar energy. You can read more about "Net-Zero" buildings at this link. You can read the entire action plan at the link below. Minneapolis Climate Action Plan:
Windom Resident's Top Ten Pics
If you are wanting to search for homes, or list your home for sale, click on the links below.
Market Trends in Windom, MN
Single Family

updated: 2023

Median Price:

Average Age:

Annual Number Sold:

Avg Sqft:

Condo / Townhouse

updated: 2023

Median Price:

Average Age:

Annual Number Sold:

Avg Sqft:

Windom Parks
Windom Restaurants
Cathay Chow Mein - ( 5457 Nicollet Ave S, 612-824-3358, website)

Cathay Chow Mein is a take-out Chinese restaurant with noodles, stir-fry, and rice.

Patrick’s Bakery & Cafe - ( 6010 Lyndale Ave S, 612-861-9277, website)

Patrick’s Bakery & Cafe is an upscale patisserie with cute pastires and coffees. Patrick’s Cafe has one goal: make a great meal with a good emotional experiences through beautiful pastries and exquisite meals.

Patty Wagon - ( 6042 Nicollet Ave S, 612-861-5500, website)

The Patty Wagon is a family-friendly burger joint, The Patty Wagon has a wide variety of burgers, salads, sandwiches, wings, and hot dogs.

Scott Ja-Mama's Hot Barbecue - ( 3 W Diamond Lake Road, 612-823-4450, website)
Tailgate Sport Cafe - ( 6050 Nicollet Ave, 612-861-5600, website)

Tailgate Sport Cafe is a sports restaurant based off of customer feedback. At Tailgate, you can enjoy a low-priced dinner of starters, wings, salads, soups, sandwiches, burgers, and pizza, as well as entrees, desserts, and a kids’ menu. Every day beholds a different daily special, such as Saturday kids eat free and Monday is 50 cent wings.

Windom Shopping
Warner's Stellian Appliance Outlet - ( 5462 Nicollet Ave S, 612-825-6465, website)
Windom Nightlife
Patty Wagon - ( 6042 Nicollet Ave S, 612-861-5500, website)

The Patty Wagon is a family-friendly burger joint, The Patty Wagon has a wide variety of burgers, salads, sandwiches, wings, and hot dogs.

Tailgate Sport Cafe - ( 6050 Nicollet Ave, 612-861-5600, website)

Tailgate Sport Cafe is a sports restaurant based off of customer feedback. At Tailgate, you can enjoy a low-priced dinner of starters, wings, salads, soups, sandwiches, burgers, and pizza, as well as entrees, desserts, and a kids’ menu. Every day beholds a different daily special, such as Saturday kids eat free and Monday is 50 cent wings.

Windom Community Arts & Recreation
The Museum of Russian Art - ( 5500 Stevens Ave, 612-821-9045, website)

The Museum of Russian Art features Russian art and artifacts, with events, classes, and a gift shop.

Windom Events
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