Even though this is a business transaction, there are many emotions that go with buying or selling a home. Part of the appeal to buyers could be the very same reasons that you bought your home in the first place. I like to address this issue by having you write a letter to the buyer as to why you bought your home and have the letter displayed right next to the other materials in the home.
When I am showing houses and there is a letter to the buyer, they will stop and read it... every time. They want to see what the seller wants to tell them about the home and such.
A letter to the buyer should include several items:
1. Introduce yourself.
2. What made you choose this house over other houses, and how it has been beneficial to you.
3. Features of this house that you really like, and even a drawback or two is ok.
4. A trip down memory lane: perhaps tell a simple couple sentences about getting married in this house, or when your firstborn took their first steps.
5. Describe why the neighborhood is great, how convenient it is to stores, work, or whatever.
6. Talk about your favorite local neighborhood hangouts, perhaps a favorite restaurant, or a favorite neighborhood bar, or just a favorite park.
7. Specifically mention a favorite neighbor or two and why they are great.
8. Sum it up with a conclusion of how you will miss the neighborhood, the neighbors, and/or the house itself.
Be Creative!
Here are a couple great letters I found: